1000 miles, Terry Xie
HK$188.00 inc. tax
1000 miles
Self-published by Terry Xie
"This is a story about a Tibetan skater, Tsring, who lives in the most remote city in Tibet that has trudged 1000 miles through deserted land to attend the Tibetan 6/21 Go Skateboarding Day event."
More than 4.8K meters above sea level
1000 Miles
This is Tsring's love for skateboarding
Where is yours?
Photographs by TerryXie
Self-published by the author
Introduction in Chinese and English
154 pg. black&white photo.
Inner pages: Fine Art paper 250g
Sewn perfect binding
Printed in china
Limited Edition of 200
Sourced directly from Terry Xie, sport photographer specialised in skateboarding and action sports.